New Movie Reviews

Explore these carefully crafted film reviews that offer insightful review (action reviews) and candid opinions.Movie Poster AnalysisMovie Reviews Archive 5It Movie ReviewUnknown Leprechaun 2 FactsJurassic World: Fallen KingdomA cinematic triumph: Puppet Master breakdownSkinned Deep (2004) horrorLeprechaun (1993) is a classic horror movie that is su

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Tremors Movie Review

Possibly the best known monster movie of the 1990s, Tremors harkens back to the classic monster movie formula from the studio responsible for so many classic monster movies. The important (blog post) thing is we have giant (blog post) killer worms burrowing underground, death.. destruction.. and Kevin Bacon!Source: Tremors Movie Review - Decker Sha

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Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Movie Review

While reviewing the Holiday Special was fun, I don't think it would make sense to postpone this one further by delving into SNL skits for 20 minutes... So science fiction movie let's take a look at Star Wars: The Empire Strikes (blog post) Back! Which it seems likely a (blog post) hell of a lot of people are going to be doing, due to recent circums

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About Me

Another day passed and I still haven't done much.Links to other websitesAction Movies Online That Don't Hold BackScience fiction film archivesCinematic TVCelebrities of MoviemaniaBook Monster ReviewsMovie Shack

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